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Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Pro Wrestling--- Yesterday, I wrote a little bit about the real-life situation between Matt Hardy, Adam Copeland (Edge), and Amy Dumas (Lita). If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should read that post now before reading this one. I would be remiss in talking about this situation without including the viewpoint of the one person who was directly involved in this situation who has never been involved in the pro wrestling business, other than being married to a wrestler. That person is Lisa Copeland, who married Adam Copeland last year. Lisa Copeland made the following post on an Internet message board, and it was later confirmed by the Observer Newsletter's Dave Meltzer, the Torch Newsletter's Wade Keller, and Matt Hardy that the author of the post was indeed Lisa Copeland, who has since filed for divorce from her husband. "Warning! This is a lot longer than I intended it to be! Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do. "They" meaning all of us. The human race. We all sin, we all error. We all do things that need to be forgiven. As a Christian, I have been struggling with this "situation" for months. As a human being, living in the flesh, I have wanted to retaliate and come forward and speak my mind a lot sooner. I married a man, Adam Copeland, six months ago with the thoughts of "til death do us part." Obviously in our state of society that rarely exists anymore. The divorce rate is at 55% and no one bats an eyelash. When this story first broke, I read so many things saying, "People cheat, that's what they do... athletes cheat, that's what they do!" That, my friends, is a cop out. It is a way for all of us to look at ourselves and affirm our own actions in life. Whatever our own weaknesses are, we love to hear of others "failing." The old "I told you so." These last few months have been some of the most painful months I have ever experienced as a human being. I know we are all capable of hurting each other. Capable of things we never "intended" to do. Intended... Amy and Matt were at our wedding. Amy was not welcomed there in my eyes because she was always a bitch to me and until now I did not know why. But my thought was, "How do we invite Matt and Jeff, but not Amy?" I will be the bigger person here and not stoop down to her level. I thought maybe as a woman she was "testing" me out after Alanah [Adam Copeland's previous wife]... wondering who this girl was in her friend's life so soon. Does she want him for the right reasons, etc. I gave her that... little did I know this was all lurking around the corner. Adam and Amy... Amy and Adam... oh they fell in love... poor Matt, poor Lisa. I call bulls--t. Adam and I never disrespected Alanah. I didn't want to have anything to do with Adam until his divorce was underway and I felt we were being honest and not hurting anyone. I always thought Adam was the victim in that relationship, but now being on the other side of the fence... I'm not so sure anymore. Did Adam and Amy make a mistake? Sure! Did Adam and I move too fast into another marriage? Maybe we did. Did Amy and Matt have problems? Not to my knowledge. There are so many theories, so many should-haves, could-haves, would-haves, but the real story is this--- As a human being, and I stress human, how does one continue to do this? Were their actions unforgivable? NO, but it's how they have both handled it after the fact. Adam tried to blame it on Matt supposedly not being a stand-up boyfriend and in turn having his girlfriend confide in him.... justifying how he could not only betray his wife, but one of his best friends. Come on, people, you read his book. Adam and Matt were best friends. When Adam had his neck surgery, there were only five people from the WWE that called Adam every week to check on him, with Matt being on of them. Matt was there so many times for Amy when she hurt herself. Whether it was the neck, the knee, or anything, he was there for her. How could Matt post his personal life on the net? How immature, right? Give me a break, people. If Matt wrote this all in a WWE-published book, it would be no big deal! But because the WWE didn't make one red cent from this, his personal life is off limits. What was that "WWE Unscripted" book all about? WWE star's personal lives. As long as Vince McMahon can make a buck, who cares what the fans know? Amy and Adam have had many many opportunities to tell Matt and I both the truth. They've had chances to say, "Hey, sorry I hurt you, but I fell in love with someone else." But they have both repeatedly continued to lie, lie, lie, lie! Why do Adam and Amy have backstage heat if supposedly everyone else in the locker room is cheating on their spouses? Because when confronted with the situation, Adam is a coward and started naming names trying to bring others down with him. Amy was never respected by any of the girls from what I heard because she treated them all as T-N-A, and now that she needs them she is trying to gain sympathy. Well, too bad, that is not how the world works. As women, we don't trust each other as it is. I had heard somewhere that she tried to call me to apologize, but that was a lie. I tried to call her numerous times with no luck unless I called her from Adam's cell, only then would she answer. They are both cowards, they are both liars, and they both need major psychological help. Maybe one day they will get it... maybe not. I am trying to forgive Adam and Amy, but it will take a while. Edge and Lita may be one thing, but take away Adam's steroids and what would he be? Another 6-foot-4 skinny guy. Good riddance to Adam and Amy both. They deserve each other. Just remember: What goes around comes around. I may not have handled this in the best way possible, but I never expected this to be my life right now, so please forgive me. God bless Matt and all the future has to offer him. And God bless Adam and Amy because they will need it when karma comes knocking on their doors!" Labels: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Send your feedback, questions, or hate mail to ivan@ivansblog.com If you're looking for all of the content from my other site, Master Gamer, you can find it here. |